What is Stoicism? Definition and Resources to Help You Get Started.

What is Stoicism?

In a world brimming with chaos, uncertainty and distractions, the philosophy of Stoicism stands as a beacon of timeless wisdom. Stoicism isn’t just a historical relic; it’s a practical approach to life that can bring tranquillity, resilience and a deeper understanding of oneself. We’ll dive into the essence of Stoicism, providing a comprehensive definition, key principles and a curated list of resources to aid your journey into this philosophy.

At its core, Stoicism is a philosophy that encourages individuals to realise inner virtues, live in harmony with nature and find contentment regardless of external circumstances. It originated in ancient Greece and was later developed by Roman thinkers like Epictetus, Seneca and the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

Stoicism centres around the idea that we can’t control external events, but we can control our reactions to them (main essence). It emphasises the development of wisdom, courage, self-discipline and justice as fundamental virtues. By embracing these virtues, Stoics believe we can achieve eudaimonia, a state of flourishing and living in accordance with our true nature and embracement of the logos.

Unveiling the Essence of Stoicism

At its heart, Stoicism is a philosophy that reminds us that while we may lack control over external events, we hold the power to shape our reactions to them. This profound insight is the cornerstone of Stoic teachings. Stoicism champions the cultivation of virtues—wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance—that elevate our character and align us with the natural order of the cosmos. Wisdom encourages us to seek truth and understanding, while courage emboldens us to act rightly in the face of adversity. Justice beckons us to treat others with fairness, and temperance guides us toward moderation in all aspects of life.

Embracing the Benefits of Stoic Practice

In a world buzzing with the relentless hum of modern life, Stoicism offers an oasis of wisdom and serenity. By weaving Stoic principles into the fabric of our existence, we embrace a multitude of benefits:

  1. Elevated Resilience: By recognising the boundaries of our control and directing our focus inward, we foster resilience that shields us from the turbulence of external circumstances.
  2. Informed Decision-Making: Stoicism champions rationality over impulsive emotion, empowering us to make well-considered decisions that stand the test of time.
  3. Inner Tranquility: As we shift our attention from uncontrollable events to our own responses, we unveil a wellspring of inner peace that remains undisturbed by life’s fluctuations.

Embarking on Your Stoic Odyssey

Eager to embark on your own Stoic journey? I recommend starting with these invaluable resources:

  1. Delve into the Classics: Dive into the writings of the Stoic luminaries themselves. “Meditations” by the introspective Marcus Aurelius and “Letters from a Stoic” by the wise Seneca offer profound insights that stand the test of time.
  2. Harness the Digital Realm: Engage with online treasures such as the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’s entry on Stoicism, which offers scholarly depth. Explore “How to Be a Stoic,” a blog by philosopher Massimo Pigliucci, and the “Daily Stoic” YouTube channel for practical guidance.
  3. Practice Makes Progress: Embrace Stoic practices that illuminate your path. Emulate Marcus Aurelius with morning and evening reflections. Enhance self-awareness through journaling, and embrace mindfulness to anchor yourself in the present.

Concluding Thoughts

Stoicism isn’t a mere intellectual exercise—it’s a compass guiding us through life’s tumultuous waters. As you embark on this voyage of self-discovery and wisdom, remember that Stoicism isn’t about extinguishing your emotions. Instead, it’s a voyage toward understanding, growth, and the mastery of oneself. In the words of Marcus Aurelius—”You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realise this, and you will find strength”—take the helm and steer your ship of life with Stoic resolve.